Police Clearance Certificate

How to get Canadian Police Clearance Certificate in Langley?

A police Clearance certificate is an official statement justifying that the person applying for PCC has no past criminal records. A police clearance certificate is required by people who are willing to stay for a long time abroad, for employment reasons and immigration purposes. Police clearance certificates are valid proofs that can justify that the person holding this certificate is free from social and private threats and can roam to other counties without any disbelief. Each country has a different set of rules for its visitors and requires documents based on staying in a foreign country. A set of legal documents which are issued by police are mandatory for Canadian police clearance in Langley. People are required to schedule their appointments with the police to get the certificate on timePolice checks, good conduct certificates, criminal history record checks, and certificate of clearance (PCC) are some other names for a Police clearance certificate.

Let us find out how Police Clearance Certificate Works:

Foreign countries must conduct police checks so that they can be sure that the people traveling to their country possess no threats. Police clearance certificates in Langley do not require a criminal history record check for tourist visa holders. Certain documents are required to be submitted by the applicants for getting a Police Clearance certificate. Some documents are the applicant’s photographs; his/her address proof and fingerprints. Canadian people require police record checks if they are leaving their country for employment in some other country. Most Canadians will require a Police Clearance certificate at some point in their lifetime. The primary Purposes can be:

  • If you are going to admit your children to schools then be prepared with a police check else your kid won’t get admission.
  • Working in the private sector will also need a Police check certificate
  • People renting their properties also need a police check certificate
  • To get a work visa permit for a foreign country
  • For staying longer in a foreign country

Procedure for getting Police Clearance Certificate in Canada

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is a legal authority issuing PCC to its people. RCMP aims at providing security to its Canadian people by providing a certificate of clearance with no fear of any kind of threats. Royal Canadian Mounted police work with world-famous organizations and agencies to carry out the process of police clearance certificates based on digital fingerprinting. Canada Overseas Fingerprinting is one of the organizations working with RCMP which has helped so many people to get their certificates printed within minimum time and effort.

Canada Overseas Fingerprinting has long-term good experience in this field and had helped its people to feel secure from the possible risk of threats. Canada Overseas Fingerprinting accounts for a certified agency helping the Royal Canadian mounted police to get PCC for its people. Foreigners living in Canada for more than 6 months will also need a Police clearance check. They have experts who can process digital fingerprints of people taken anywhere in the world with the help of forensic experts with minimum or no error. An applicant needs to book an appointment with the RCMP for getting a police clearance certificate. These organizations have forensic experts who take digital fingerprinting with zero chances of rejection by the authorities. They have highly experienced people and machines which make the whole process so reliable and quick.

The time spent to get a digital fingerprint is very and within 10 minutes the process of taking a fingerprint will be done. The applicant must book an appointment with RCMP to get his police clearance check and must visit the office on the scheduled dates. The applicant will need to submit two valid id proofs and the fees for getting PCC. Debit cards, credit cards, and master cards are easily acceptable modes of payment. American Express cards and cheque payments are not suitable for paying application fees to RCMP for PCC.

Valid id proof for submission can be one of the following:

  • Passport card of the applicant
  • Citizenship card of the applicant
  • Driving License of the applicant
  • Birth certificate
  • Pan card
  • Permanent resident card 
  • Healthcare cards
  • Native status card

These are some of the valid id proofs for digital fingerprinting for the Police clearance certificate which is required to be submitted in the office by the applicants along with the fees.

What if you can’t get a police certificate for immigration purposes?

In this case, you need to show proof that you have requested a police certificate from the correct authorities and also write a letter explaining all the efforts you have taken to get one. 

Wrapping it all up!!!

A police clearance certificate is indeed an important official document containing all the details of the person applying for PCC for various purposes. It ensures that the person is harmless to society and can roam completely safe in the country. Now you completely understand the importance of a police clearance certificate and get it with minimum effort with the right procedure as described above. 

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