Who needs Digital fingerprinting service Abbotsford?
Digital fingerprinting service Abbotsford is essential when a person needs a police certificate or criminal record. Countries need police certificates verifying that person has no criminal records for any number of reasons. For all activities from looking for Employment with Corporations and Agencies to applying for Permanent residence, immigration, and citizenship applicants need to produce a certificate showing a clear record.
Canada Overseas facilitates getting criminal record results from the RCMP.
How do we work at Canada Overseas?
We provide a Digital fingerprinting service Abbotsford and electronic capture of fingerprints through an optical scanner at our office. We understand the sensitivity attached to the verification and reports of digital fingerprints. Therefore we mail scanned fingerprints along with the application details through secure links to police services.
The procedure is simple. Fix an appointment with us, visit the office, put your fingers on digital machines that record your distinctive finger marks, pay the fees, and your work is over. Our staff members are there to assist you at every step.
We have online mediums that can help you check your status and other queries related to the process.
Fees and Payment
Our payment mode allows you to pay by cash or using debit cards and major credit cards. Charges are susceptible to change at any time.
How much time does Police Verification take?
Police verification and processing take three to four days if an applicant has no convictions and criminal records. Record showing convictions take time of approx 120 days. They send police clearance records through regular Canada Post mail.
What do I need to carry along when coming for Digital fingerprinting service Abbotsford?
A person visiting us for Digital fingerprinting service Abbotsford must have validated government-issued identification proofs. One should be a photo ID. All documents that a person brings should be current and valid. Expired documents have no importance. Documents directly issued by the government authorities serve as identification proofs. Passport, Birth Certificate, Drivers License, Certificate of Indian Status, Military Family ID card are accepted identification proofs.